ID | 1850 |
Author | |
AuthorYear | bizzarro2007a |
Title | |
Journal | |
Volume | |
Part/Supplement | |
Issue | |
Pages | |
Start Page | |
Errata | |
Epub Date | |
SourceYear | 2007 |
DataSource | Shark-references |
doi | 10.1016/j.fishres.2006.10.016 |
Reference | BIZZARRO, J.J. & SMITH, W.D. & MARQUEZ-FARIAS, J.F. & HUETER, R.E. (2007) Artisanal fisheries and reproductive biology of the golden cownose ray, Rhinoptera steindachneri Evermann and Jenkins, 1891, in the northern Mexican Pacific. Fisheries Research, 84 (2): 137 |
data entered | true |
Species | Class | Name | Value | Standard | ValueType | Location |
Rhinoptera steindachneri | Length | Lmat50 | 70.2 | cm DW | raw_value | Gulf of California |
Rhinoptera steindachneri | Length | Lmat50 | 69.9 | cm DW | raw_value | Gulf of California |
Rhinoptera steindachneri | Length | Length at first maturity | 66 | cm DW | raw_value | Gulf of California |
Rhinoptera steindachneri | Length | Length at first maturity | 65 | cm DW | raw_value | Gulf of California |
Rhinoptera steindachneri | Length | Length of largest immature | 76 | cm DW | raw_value | Gulf of California |
Rhinoptera steindachneri | Length | Length of largest immature | 72 | cm DW | raw_value | Gulf of California |
Rhinoptera steindachneri | Length | Length at maternity | 68 | cm DW | raw_value | Gulf of California |
Rhinoptera steindachneri | Length | Lbirth | 39 | cm DW | raw_value | Gulf of California |
Rhinoptera steindachneri | Length | Lbirth | 40 | cm DW | raw_value | Gulf of California |
Rhinoptera steindachneri | Reproduction | Uterine fecundity | 1 | n | raw_value | Gulf of California |