
ID 25495
AuthorYear blancoparra2009b
Start Page
Epub Date
SourceYear 2009
DataSource Emiliano-Luz
Reference Blanco-Parra, M. del P. (2009b) Biología pesquera de la guitarra pinta, Zapteryx exasperata (Jordan & Gilbert 1880), en la costa central de Sonora, México. Doctoral thesis. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Mexico. 105 pp.
data entered true

Trait Observations

Species Class Name Value Standard ValueType Location
Zapteryx exasperata Length Lmat50 69.2 cm DW mean Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Length Lmat50 64 cm DW mean Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Length Length at first maturity 66.5 cm DW raw_value Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Length Length at first maturity 58.2 cm DW raw_value Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Length Length of largest immature 75 cm DW raw_value Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Length Length at maternity 64 cm DW raw_value Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Length Lbirth 18.7 cm DW raw_value Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Length Lmat50 69 cm TL mean Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Length Lmat50 64 cm TL mean Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Length Length at first maturity 66.5 cm TL raw_value Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Length Length at first maturity 58 cm TL raw_value Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Length Length of largest immature 75 cm TL raw_value Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Length Length at maternity 64 cm TL raw_value Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Length Lbirth 18.7 cm TL raw_value Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Reproduction Ovum diameter 40 mm Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Reproduction Max oviducal width 35 mm Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Reproduction Max uterine width 80 mm Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Reproduction Uterine fecundity 7.15 mm mean Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Reproduction Max oviducal width 35 mm raw_value Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Reproduction Max uterine width 80 mm raw_value Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Reproduction Ovum diameter 40 mm raw_value Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Reproduction Gestation length 5 Month Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Reproduction Uterine fecundity 7 n mean Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Reproduction Ovarian fecundity 7 n mean Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Reproduction Uterine fecundity 7.15 n mean Gulf of California
Zapteryx exasperata Reproduction Breeding interval 1 Year Gulf of California