ID | 21003 |
Author | |
AuthorYear | simpfendorfer2002c |
Title | |
Journal | |
Volume | |
Part/Supplement | |
Issue | |
Pages | |
Start Page | |
Errata | |
Epub Date | |
SourceYear | 2002 |
DataSource | Shark-references |
doi | 10.1071/MF01131 |
Reference | SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. & MCAULEY, R.B. & CHIDLOW, J.A. & UNSWORTH, P. (2002) Validated age and growth of the dusky shark, Carcharhinus obscurus, from Western Australian waters. Marine and Freshwater Research, 53 (2): 567 |
data entered | true |
Species | Class | Name | Value | Standard | ValueType | Location |
Carcharhinus obscurus | Length | Lmax-observed | 282 | cm TL | max | Southwestern Australia |
Carcharhinus obscurus | Growth | k | 0.043 | Coefficient | raw_value | Southwestern Australia |
Carcharhinus obscurus | Growth | Linf | 350.8 | Coefficient | raw_value | Southwestern Australia |
Carcharhinus obscurus | Growth | Linf | 336.5 | Coefficient | raw_value | Southwestern Australia |
Carcharhinus obscurus | Growth | k | 0.045 | Coefficient | raw_value | Southwestern Australia |
Carcharhinus obscurus | Growth | k | 0.043 | Coefficient | raw_value | Southwestern Australia |
Carcharhinus obscurus | Growth | Linf | 354.4 | Coefficient | raw_value | Southwestern Australia |
Carcharhinus obscurus | Age | Age at maternity | 17 | Year | min | Southwestern Australia |
Carcharhinus obscurus | Length | Length at first maturity | 220 | cm TL | min | Southwestern Australia |
Carcharhinus obscurus | Age | Amax-observed | 32 | Year | max | Southwestern Australia |
Carcharhinus obscurus | Age | Age at first maturity | 20 | Year | min | Southwestern Australia |
Carcharhinus obscurus | Length | Length at first maturity | 230 | cm TL | min | Southwestern Australia |
Carcharhinus obscurus | Age | Amax-observed | 25 | Year | max | Southwestern Australia |