
ID 21531
AuthorYear sotolopez2018
Start Page
Epub Date
SourceYear 2018
DataSource Shark-references
doi 10.7773/cm.v44i2.2805
Reference SOTO-LOPEZ, K. & OCHOA-BAEZ, R.I. & TOVAR-AVILA, J. & GALVAN-MAGANA, F. (2018) Reproductive biology of the brown smooth-hound shark, Mustelus henlei (Chondrichthyes: Triakidae), off northwestern Mexico based on macroscopic and histological analyses. Ciencias Marinas, 44 (2): 125-139
data entered true

Trait Observations

Species Class Name Value Standard ValueType Location
Mustelus henlei Length Length at maternity 65 cm TL raw_value Baja California peninsula
Mustelus henlei Length Lmat50 65.7 cm TL mean Baja California peninsula
Mustelus henlei Length Lmat50 63.5 cm TL mean Baja California peninsula
Mustelus henlei Length Lbirth 25.5 cm TL raw_value Baja California peninsula
Mustelus henlei Length Lbirth 35.2 cm TL raw_value Baja California peninsula
Mustelus henlei Reproduction Max oviducal width 20 mm raw_value Baja California peninsula
Mustelus henlei Reproduction Gestation length 11 Month raw_value Baja California peninsula
Mustelus henlei Reproduction Parturition May-August Month Baja California peninsula
Mustelus henlei Reproduction Uterine fecundity 9 n mean Baja California peninsula
Mustelus henlei Reproduction Uterine fecundity 9 n mean Baja California peninsula
Mustelus henlei Reproduction Embryonic sex ratio 1.05:1 n Baja California peninsula
Mustelus henlei Reproduction Breeding interval 1 Year Baja California peninsula