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sugiyama2013 SUGIYAMA, I. & HORII, Y. & OHIZUMI, H. (2013) Relationship between diet composition of pelagic sharks and oceanographic condition around Hachijo Island, Izu Archipelago, Japan Abstract. 9th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference (IPFC), Abstracts: 150
sujatha2014 SUJATHA, K. & SHRIKANYA, K.V.L. & KRISHNA, N.M. (2014) Taxonomy and length-weight relationship of torpedo electric rays of the genus Torpedo (Pisces: Torpedinidae) off Visakhapatnam coast of India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 61 (4): 24
sukumaran1989 SUKUMARAN, K.K. & MOHAMED, K.S. & CHANDRAN, K. & GUPTA, C.A. & BHAT, S.U. & KEMPARAJU, S. (1989) Long lining for deep sea sharks at Malpe
sulak2009 SULAK, K.J. & MACWHIRTER, P.D. & LUKE, K.E. & NOREM, A.D. & MILLER, J.M. & COOPER, J.A. & HARRIS, L.E. (2009) Identification guide to skates (Family Rajidae) of the Canadian Atlantic and adjacent regions. Canandian Technical Report Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2850, viii+34 p.
sulej2012 SULEJ, T. & NIEDZWIEDZKI, G. & BRONOWICZ, R. (2012) A new Late Triassic vertebrate fauna from Poland with turtles, aetosaurs, and coelophysoid dinosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 32 (5): 1033
sulikowski2000 SULIKOWSKI, J.A. & MORIN, M.D. & SUK, S.H. & HOWELL, W.H. (2000) A preliminary study of the age and growth of the winter skate, Raja ocellata, in the Gulf of Maine. Abstract. American Elasmobranch Society 16th Annual Meeting, 14
sulikowski2001 SULIKOWSKI, J.A. & MAGINNISS, L.A. (2001) Effects of environmental dilution on body fluid regulation in the yellow stingray, Urolophus jamaicensis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology
sulikowski2003 SULIKOWSKI, J.A. & MORIN, M.D. & SUK, S.H. & HOWELL, W.H. (2003) Age and growth of the winter skate (Leucoraja ocellata) in the western Gulf of Maine. Fishery Bulletin, 101 (2): 405
sulikowski2003a SULIKOWSKI, J.A. & TREBERG, J.R. & HUNTTING HOWELL, W. (2003) Fluid Regulation and Physiological Adjustments in the Winter Skate, Leucoraja ocellata, Following Exposure to Reduced Environmental Salinities. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 66 (4): 339
sulikowski2004 SULIKOWSKI, J. & KNEEBONE, J. & ELZEY, S. & DANLEY, P. & HOWELL, H. & TSANG, P. (2004) The reproductive cycle of the Thorny Skate, Amblyraja radiata, from the western Gulf of Maine. Abstract. American Elasmobranch Society 20th Annual Meeting, Norman, Oklahoma
sulikowski2004a SULIKOWSKI, J.A. & TSANG, P.C.W. & HOWELL, W.H. (2004) An annual cycle of steroid hormone concentrations and gonad development in the winter skate, Leucoraja ocellata, from the western Gulf of Maine. Marine Biology, 144 (5): 845
sulikowski2005 SULIKOWSKI, J.A. & ELZEY, S. & KNEEBONE, J. & TSANG, P.C.W. (2005) The reproductive cycle of the smooth skate, Malacoraja senta, in the western Gulf of Maine. Abstract. American Elasmobranch Society 21th Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida
sulikowski2005a SULIKOWSKI, J.A. & KNEEBONE, J. & ELZEY, S. & DANLEY, P. & HOWELL, W.H. & TSANG, P.C.W. (2005) The reproductive cycle of the thorny skate, Amblyraja radiata, in the Gulf of Maine. Fishery Bulletin, 103 (3): 536
sulikowski2005b SULIKOWSKI, J.A. & KNEEBONE, J. & ELZEY, S. & DANLEY, P. & HOWELL, W.H. & TSANG, P.C.W. (2005) Age and growth estimates of the thorny skate, Amblyraja radiata, in the Gulf of Maine. Fishery Bulletin, 103 (1): 161
sulikowski2005c SULIKOWSKI, J.A. & KNEEBONE, J. & ELZEY, S. & HOWELL, H. & TSANG, P.C.W. (2005) Determination of age and size at sexual maturity for the thorny skate, Amblyraja radiata, using morphological, histological and steroid hormone analyses. Abstract. American Elasmobranch Society 21th Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida
sulikowski2005d SULIKOWSKI, J.A. & TSANG, P.C.W. & HOWELL, W.H. (2005) Age and size at sexual maturity for the winter skate, Leucoraja ocellata, in the western Gulf of Maine based on morphological, histological and steroid hormone analyses. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 72 (4): 429
sulikowski2006 SULIKOWSKI, J.A. & KNEEBONE, J. & ELZEY, S. & JUREK, J. & HOWELL, W.H. & TSANG, P.C.W. (2006) Using the composite variables of reproductive morphology, histology and steroid hormones to determine age and size at sexual maturity for the thorny skate Amblyraja radiata in the western Gulf of Maine. Journal of Fish Biology, 69 (5): 1449
sulikowski2007 SULIKOWSKI, J.A. & DRIGGERS, W.B. & FORD, T.S. & BOONSTRA, R.K. & CARLSON, J.K. (2007) Reproductive cycle of the blacknose shark Carcharhinus acronotus in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Fish Biology, 70 (2): 428
suzuki2007 SUZUKI, H. (2007) First description of fossil shark teeth of the genus Centrophorus (Elasmobranchii:Squaliformes) from the Miocene of Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, 113 (1): 23
sulikowski2007a SULIKOWSKI, J.A. & DRIGGERS, W.B. & INGRAM, G.W. & KNEEBONE, J. & FERGUSON, D.E. & TSANG, P.C.W. (2007) Profiling plasma steroid hormones: a non-lethal approach for the study of skate reproductive biology and its potential use in conservation management. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 80 (2