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thompson1856 THOMPSON, W. (1856) Fishes of Ireland. In: The natural history of Ireland. London. Vol. IV. Mammalia, reptiles, and fishes, also invertebrata. Fishes of Ireland: 69
thompson1894 THOMPSON, W. (1894) Pearl and chank fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar. Bulletin of the Madras Museum, 1 (1): 62 pp.
thompson1930 THOMPSON, E.F. (1930) New records of the genera Centrophorus and Hoplichthys in New Zealand. Records of the Canterbury Museum, 3 (4): 275
thompson1961 THOMPSON, J.R. & SPRINGER, S. (1961) Sharks, skates, rays, and chimaeras. Circular of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 119: 19 p.
thompson1997 THOMPSON, A.P. & O'SHEA, J.E. (1997) The unusual adrenergic-like excitatory action of acetylcholine on the ventricular cardiac muscle of the horned shark, Heterodontus portusjacksoni. Physiological Zoology, 70 (2): 135
thomsen2016 THOMSEN, P.F. & MØLLER, P.R. & SIGSGAARD, E.E. & KNUDSEN, S.W. & JØRGENSEN, O.A. & WILLERSLEV, E. (2016) Environmental DNA from Seawater Samples Correlate with Trawl Catches of Subarctic, Deepwater Fishes. PLoS ONE, 11 (11): e0165252
thomson1871 THOMSON, J. (1871) On Ctenacanthus hybodoides, Egerton. Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow, 4: 59
thomson1878 THOMSON, J. (1878) On Teeth and Dermal Structure associated with Ctenacanthus. Report of the Thirty
thomson1891 THOMSON, G.M. (1891) Notes on Sea-fishes. Transactions New Zealand Institute, 24: 202
vinciguerra1924 VINCIGUERRA, D. (1924) Recenti catture di Selache maxima nel mare ligure Monitore Zoologico ItalianoAnno, Vol. XXXV: 36
thomson1919 THOMSON, J.S. (1919) The Morphology of the Prosencephalon of Spinax as a type of Elasmobranch Fore-brain. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 52 (2): 487
thomson1976 THOMSON, K.S. (1976) On the heterocercal tail in sharks. Paleobiology, 2 (1): 19
thomson1977 THOMSON, K.S. & SIMANEK, D.E. (1977) Body form and locomotion in sharks. American Zoologist, 17 (2): 343
thomson1982 THOMSON, K.S. (1982) An early Triassic hybodont shark from northern Madagascar. Postilla, 186: 1
thomson1985 THOMSON, J.D. (1985) Mercury concentrations of the axial muscle tissues of some marine fishes of the continental shelf adjacent to Tasmania. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 36 (4): 509
thomson1994 THOMSON, C. & STEVENS, J.D. (1994) A whale of a shark. Landscope, Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, 10 (2): 29
thomson1998 THOMSON, M. & AL-HASSAN, J.M. & AL-SALEH, J. & FAYAD, S. & ALI, M. (1998) Prostanoid synthesis in whole blood cells from fish of the Arabian Gulf. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology
thomson2017 THOMSON, J.A. & ARAUJO, G. & LABAJA, J. & MCCOY, E. & MURRAY, R. & PONZO, A. (2017) Feeding the world's largest fish: highly variable whale shark residency patterns at a provisioning site in the Philippines. Royal Society Open Science, 4: 170394
thoney1990 THONEY, D.A. (1990) The effects of trichlorfon, praziquantel and copper sulphate on various stages of the monogenean Benedeniella posterocolpa, a skin parasite of the cownose ray, Rhinoptera bonasus (Mitchill). Journal of Fish Diseases, 13 (5): 385
thonhauser2013 THONHAUSER, K.E. & GUTNICK, T. & BYRNE, R.A. & KRAL, K. & BURGHARDT, G.M. & KUBA, M.J. (2013) Social learning in Cartilaginous fish (stingrays Potamotrygon falkneri). Animal Cognition, 16 (6): 927