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dijkgraaf1963 DIJKGRAAF, S. (1963) Sound Reception in the Dogfish. Nature, 197 (4862): 93
wilder1880 WILDER, B.G. (1880) Do Sharks Swallow Their Young for Protection? Science, 1 (19): 236
dulcic1997 DUL
ebert2004c EBERT, D.A. (2004) From the Bering Sea to southern Africa: An overview of skate (Chondrichthyes: Rajiformes) reproductive biology. Abstract. American Elasmobranch Society 20th Annual Meeting, Norman, Oklahoma
ebert2013a EBERT, D.A. & FOWLER, S. & COMPAGNO, L.J.V. (2013) Sharks of the World
eryilmaz2011 ERYILMAZ, L. & YEMI^
essapian1962 ESSAPIAN, F.S. (1962) Notes on the Behavior of Sharks in Captivity. Copeia, 1962 (2): 457
estes1960 ESTES, R. (1960) Change of Name for a Cretaceous Chimaeroid. Journal of Paleontology, 34 (5): 1054
ezcurra2012 EZCURRA, J.M. & LOWE, C.G. & MOLLET, H.F. & FERRY, L.A. & O
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fourmanoir1979 FOURMANOIR, P. (1979) Requins de Nouvelle-Calédonie
fox1873 FOX, C. (1873) Squalus spinosus. Nature, 9 (212): 42
garman1884 GARMAN, S. (1884) The oldest living type of vertebrates. Science, 4 (95): 484
garrick1955 GARRICK, J.A.F. (1955) The diversity of the shark world. Tuatara, 6 (1):13
garrick1967a GARRICK, J.A.F. (1967) Revision of Shark of Genus Isurus with a Description of a New Species (Galeoidea, Lamnidae). Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 118 (3537): 663
geikie1881 GEIKIE, A. (1881) A recent
gill1884 GILL, T. (1884) The relations of Didymodus, or Diplodus. Science, 3 (62): 429
gill1905 GILL, T. (1905) An interesting Cretaceous chimaeroid egg-case. Science, 22 (567): 601
graham1990a GRAHAM, K.J. (1990) Kapala Cruise Report No. 107. Report for Cruises 89
harkins1997 HARKINS, H.K. & LOWE, C.G. & HOLLAND, K.N. & BUSH, A. (1997) Growth rates of juvenile scalloped hammerhead sharks Sphyrna lewini. Abstract. American Elasmobranch Society 13th Annual Meeting, 26 June