or select from list (show only references with data):
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deamorim2000 | DE AMORIM, A.F. & ARFELLI, C.A. & CASTRO, J.I. (2000) Description of a juvenile megamouth shark, Megachasma pelagios, caught off Brazil. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 59 (2): 117 |
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dean1894a | DEAN, B. (1894) Contributions to the morphology of Cladoselache (Cladodus). Journal of Morphology, 9 (1): 87 |
dean1897 | DEAN, B. (1897) On a new species of Edestus, E. lecontei, from Nevada. Transactions of the New York Academy of Science, 16: 61 |
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dean1903 | DEAN, B. (1903) Additional specimens of the Japanese shark Mitsukurina. Science, 17 (433): 630 |
dean1904 | DEAN, B. (1904) Notes on the Long-Snouted Chimaeroid of Japan, Rhinchochimaera (Harriotta) pacifica (GARMAN) mitsukuri. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Tokyo, 19 (4): 1 |
dean1904a | DEAN, B. (1904) Notes on Chimaera. Two Japanese species, C. phantasma Jordan and Snyder and C. mitsukurii n. s., and their egg cases. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Tokyo, 19 (3): 1 |
dean1904b | DEAN, B. (1904) The egg cases of chimaeroid fishes. Abstract. American Naturalist, 38: 486 |
dean1904c | DEAN, B. (1904) Evolution in a determinate line as illustrated by the egg-cases of chimaeroid fishes. Biological Bulletin, 7 (2): 105 |
dean1906 | DEAN, B. (1906) Chimaeroid Fishes and their Development. Publications of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 32: 1 |
dean1909 | DEAN, B. (1909) Studies on fossil fishes (sharks, chimaeroids and arthrodires). Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History, Part V, 9: 211 |
dean1912 | DEAN, B. (1912) Orthogenesis in the egg capsules of Chimaera. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 31 (3): 35 |
dean2004 | DEAN, M.N. & KOOB-EMUNDS, M.M. & KOOB, T.J. (2004) Extracellular matrix composition in the rostral gel of Squalus acanthias: A non-cartilaginous skeletal element. Abstract. American Elasmobranch Society 20th Annual Meeting, Norman, Oklahoma |
dean2004a | DEAN, M.N. & MOTTA, P.J. (2004) Feeding behavior and kinematics of the lesser electric ray, Narcine brasiliensis (Elasmobranchii: Batoidea). Zoology, 107 (3): 171 |
dean2004b | DEAN, M.N. & MOTTA, P.J. (2004) Anatomy and functional morphology of the feeding apparatus of the lesser electric ray, Narcine brasiliensis (Elasmobranchii: Batoidea). Journal of Morphology, 262 (1): 462 |
dean2005 | DEAN, M.N. & CHIOU, W.-A. & SUMMERS, A.P. (2005) Morphology and Ultrastructure of Prismatic Calcified Cartilage. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 11 (Suppl. S02): 1196 |