Rhinochimaera africana

Superorder: Holocephalimorpha

Subclass: Holocephali

Order: Chimaeriformes

Family: Rhinochimaeridae

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External references for this species:

IUCN Red List



Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Lmax-observed 65 cm BDL max Female Western Cape west of Doring Bay compagno1990e
Lmax-observed 56.8 cm BDL max Male Western Cape west of Doring Bay compagno1990e
Lmax-observed 147 cm TL max Female Western Cape west of Doring Bay compagno1990e
Lmax-observed 112.2 cm TL max Male Western Cape west of Doring Bay compagno1990e
Lmax-observed 49.5 cm BDL max Female Japan didier1999
Lmax-observed 48 cm BDL max Male Japan didier1999
Lmax-observed 105 cm TL max Female Japan didier1999
Lmax-observed 101.7 cm TL max Male Japan didier1999

Contributors to the data of this species

  • bfinucci