The length of gestation in months for live-bearing species.
Species ↕ | Name | Value | Standard | ValueType | Location | Reference ↕ |
Rhizoprionodon lalandii | Gestation length | 11 | Month | mean | south-eastern Brazil | andrade2008 |
Sphyrna lewini | Gestation length | 10 | Month | Mexican Central Pacific | anisladotolentino2000 | |
Sphyrna lewini | Gestation length | 10 | Month | raw_value | Oaxaca -Mexico | bejaranoalvarez2011 |
Zapteryx exasperata | Gestation length | 5 | Month | Gulf of California | blancoparra2009b | |
Carcharhinus falciformis | Gestation length | 12 | Month | raw_value | Gulf of Mexico | bonfil1993 |
Carcharhinus plumbeus | Gestation length | 10 | Month | min | Northeastern Taiwan | branstetter1987c |
Gymnura marmorata | Gestation length | 9 | Month | min | Baja California peninsula | burgosvazquez2013 |
Carcharhinus brevipinna | Gestation length | 13 | Month | min | Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria | capape2003d |
Paragaleus pectoralis | Gestation length | 12 | Month | mean | Senegal Coast | capape2005a |
Prionace glauca | Gestation length | 9 | Month | min | Baja California peninsula | carrerafernandez2010 |
Sphyrna tudes | Gestation length | 11 | Month | max | Trinidad | castro1989 |
Gymnura micrura | Gestation length | 11 | Month | Campeche | cusalazar2014 | |
Nasolamia velox | Gestation length | 10 | Month | Gulf of Tehuantepec | dominguezarellano2003 | |
Pseudobatos productus | Gestation length | 3 | Month | raw_value | Baja California peninsula | downtonhoffmann2007 |
Carcharhinus acronotus | Gestation length | 11 | Month | mean | South Carolina | driggers2004a |
Pseudobatos leucorhynchus | Gestation length | 11 | Month | raw_value | Bahia Almejas-Baja California peninsula | florespineda2008 |
Carcharhinus sorrah | Gestation length | 9 | Month | min | Princess Charlotte Bay - Moreton Bay, GBR, Queensland | harry2013 |
Carcharhinus tilstoni | Gestation length | 9 | Month | raw_value | Princess Charlotte Bay - Moreton Bay, GBR, Queensland | harry2013 |
Carcharhinus brevipinna | Gestation length | 10 | Month | min | Northeastern Taiwan | joung2005a |
Pristis pristis | Gestation length | 5 | Month | raw_value | Lake Nicaragua-Rio San Juan System | kyne2021 |
Rhizoprionodon longurio | Gestation length | 10 | Month | Gulf of California | marquezfarias2005a | |
Pseudobatos productus | Gestation length | 12 | Month | Gulf of California | marquezfarias2007 | |
Rhizoprionodon longurio | Gestation length | 11 | Month | raw_value | Mexican Pacific/Gulf of California | mejiasalazar2007 |
Rhinoptera bonasus | Gestation length | 12 | Month | raw_value | Campeche | perezjimenez2011 |
Urotrygon chilensis | Gestation length | 4 | Month | raw_value | Sinaloa-Gulf of California | rubiolozano2009 |
Triaenodon obesus | Gestation length | 12.723 | Month | mean | Steinhart Aquarium, CA | schaller2006 |
Mustelus henlei | Gestation length | 10 | Month | raw_value | Baja California peninsula | silvasantos2012 |
Mustelus henlei | Gestation length | 11 | Month | raw_value | Baja California peninsula | sotolopez2018 |
Eusphyra blochii | Gestation length | 10 | Month | min | Timor Sea | stevens1989d |
Sphyrna mokarran | Gestation length | 11 | Month | Timor Sea | stevens1989d | |
Hemigaleus australiensis | Gestation length | 6 | Month | mean | Timor Sea | stevens1991a |
Hemipristis elongata | Gestation length | 7 | Month | min | Timor Sea | stevens1991a |
Sphyrna lewini | Gestation length | 11 | Month | Gulf of California | torreshuerta2008 | |
Carcharhinus limbatus | Gestation length | 11 | Month | raw_value | Gulf of Mexico | tovaravila1995 |
Carcharhinus acronotus | Gestation length | 10 | Month | Gulf of Mexico | trinidadcruz1997 | |
Carcharhinus galapagensis | Gestation length | 12 | Month | raw_value | Hawaii | wetherbee1996b |
Triaenodon obesus | Gestation length | 6 | Month | min | Indonesia | white2007a |
Galeocerdo cuvier | Gestation length | 15 | Month | min | Main Hawaiian Islands | whitney2007 |