Carcharhinus longimanus - clarke2013

Species Carcharhinus longimanus
Superorder Galeomorphii
Order Carcharhiniformes
Subclass Elasmobranchii
Family Carcharhinidae
Source observation fishery_independent
General data type sCPUE
Unit individual per 1000hook
Unit freeform
Unit transformation
Sampling Method general longline
Year Value
1996 1.2814
1997 1.269
1998 1.2704
1999 2.1912
2000 0.8835
2001 1.0382
2002 0.6357
2003 0.5258
2004 0.4855
2005 0.4452
2006 0.3075
2007 0.2951
2008 0.2129
2009 0.1448
2010 0.1184
Ocean Pacific
Name Pacific
Latitude 0.0
Longitude 175.0
PPOW North Central Pacific Gyre; North Pacific Transitional; South Central Pacific Gyre; Equatorial Pacific; Non-gyral Southwest Pacific
MEOW Central Polynesia; East Central Australian Shelf; Eastern Coral Triangle; Hawaii; Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands; Marquesas; Marshall, Gilbert and Ellis Islands; Northeast Australian Shelf; Northern New Zealand; Southeast Australian Shelf; Southeast Polynesia; Southern New Zealand; Tropical Northwestern Pacific; Tropical Southwestern Pacific; Western Coral Triangle
FAO Pacific, Western Central; Pacific, Southwest; Pacific, Eastern Central; Pacific, Northwest
ID 4314
AuthorYear clarke2013
Start Page
Epub Date
SourceYear 2013
DataSource Shark-references
doi 10.1071/MF12144
Reference CLARKE, C.R. & LEA, J.S.E. & ORMOND, R.F.G. (2013) Changing relative abundance and behaviour of silky and grey reef sharks baited over 12 years on a Red Sea reef. Marine and Freshwater Research, 64 (10): 909
data entered false
Identifier 3594
Experts for representativeness NA
Figure Name Clarke_2012_OceanicWhitetip.png
Page and Figure Number p7f2c
Line Used Oceanic Whitetip Shark
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