Species | Carcharhinus longimanus |
Superorder | Galeomorphii |
Order | Carcharhiniformes |
Subclass | Elasmobranchii |
Family | Carcharhinidae |
IUCNcode |
Source observation | stock_assessment |
General data type | standardized_biomass |
Unit | 1000ton |
Unit freeform | |
Unit transformation | |
Sampling Method general | multiple |
Year | Value |
1995 | 48.6425 |
1996 | 43.4389 |
1997 | 40.0452 |
1998 | 35.5204 |
1999 | 28.733 |
2000 | 23.0769 |
2001 | 18.552 |
2002 | 16.0633 |
2003 | 13.8009 |
2004 | 11.991 |
2005 | 10.181 |
2006 | 8.371 |
2007 | 8.1448 |
2008 | 7.6923 |
2009 | 6.3348 |
Ocean | Pacific |
Name | Western and Central Pacific |
Latitude | -12.5 |
Longitude | 174.0 |
PPOW | North Central Pacific Gyre; North Pacific Transitional; South Central Pacific Gyre; Equatorial Pacific; Non-gyral Southwest Pacific |
MEOW | |
FAO | Pacific, Western Central; Pacific, Southwest; Pacific, Eastern Central; Pacific, Northwest |
ID | 25836 |
Author | |
AuthorYear | rice2012a |
Title | |
Journal | |
Volume | |
Part/Supplement | |
Issue | |
Pages | |
Start Page | |
Errata | |
Epub Date | |
SourceYear | 2012 |
DataSource | Trends |
doi | |
Reference | Rice, J. and Harley, S. (2012) Stock assessment of oceanic whitetip sharks in the western and central Pacific Ocean. WCPFC Scientific Committee 8th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC8-2012/SA-WP-06 Rev1, Busan, Republic of Korea, 53. |
data entered | false |
Identifier | 3605 |
Comments | |
Experts for representativeness | IUCN Pelagic sharks and rays - Dallas Nov 2018 |
Figure Name | |
Page and Figure Number | p39f13 |
Line Used | top left panel |
PDF Page |