Mustelus antarcticus - Tuck2018

Species Mustelus antarcticus
Superorder Galeomorphii
Order Carcharhiniformes
Subclass Elasmobranchii
Family Triakidae
Source observation stock_assessment
General data type standardized_abundance
Unit freeform %pup production relative to unfished level. Reference case: Model 5D
Unit transformation divided_by_first_year_multiplied_by_100
Sampling Method general multiple
Year Value
1927 100
1928 100
1929 100
1930 100
1931 100
1932 100
1933 100
1934 100
1935 100
1936 100
1937 100
1938 100
1939 100
1940 100
1941 100
1942 100
1943 99.8978476
1944 99.3149039
1945 98.6569432
1946 97.8995578
1947 97.4122114
1948 97.1107652
1949 96.7382644
1950 96.3794567
1951 96.1148585
1952 95.6609362
1953 95.5507343
1954 94.976928
1955 93.8035113
1956 92.7613975
1957 90.5302945
1958 88.8936415
1959 87.2928481
1960 86.1367536
1961 84.7229372
1962 83.3795115
1963 82.3825168
1964 81.5935197
1965 81.0847853
1966 80.8215723
1967 79.9082379
1968 78.4189963
1969 76.8272254
1970 74.9067709
1971 73.4843296
1972 72.1126628
1973 71.3243641
1974 71.0102212
1975 71.5496057
1976 72.7728732
1977 75.5715548
1978 78.7139628
1979 81.2616092
1980 83.6904433
1981 84.7393136
1982 85.2249226
1983 84.5566493
1984 83.8154788
1985 81.4685767
1986 78.1949269
1987 74.112926
1988 70.0342746
1989 65.3514296
1990 61.8100525
1991 60.2731626
1992 59.7412784
1993 59.4827148
1994 59.4884796
1995 59.8053505
1996 61.0652643
1997 61.319627
1998 59.6475401
1999 58.6497905
2000 57.7292682
2001 57.4199973
2002 57.7291081
2003 58.2937981
2004 58.8222881
2005 58.9221564
2006 58.9228127
2007 59.3300751
2008 60.8445393
2009 61.3932485
2010 61.4397589
2011 61.4626752
2012 61.5969373
2013 62.0278677
2014 62.4925193
2015 62.9382502
Ocean Indian Pacific
Name South Australia
Latitude -35.5
Longitude 135.0
PPOW Subtropical Convergence; Non-gyral Southwest Pacific
MEOW Southeast Australian Shelf; Southwest Australian Shelf
FAO Pacific, Southwest; Indian Ocean, Eastern
ID 25691
AuthorYear Tuck2018
Start Page
Epub Date
DataSource Tuck, G.N. (ed.) 2018. Stock Assessment for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery 2016 and 2017. Part 2, 2017. Australian Fisheries Management Authority and CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, Hobart. 837p.
data entered false
Identifier 3939
Comments Time-series represents pup production (relative to unfished level), but highly correlated to Female spawning biomass (see page 608 figure 17.18).
Experts for representativeness NA
Figure Name
Page and Figure Number p601f17.13
Line Used centre panel; South Australia
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