Rhizoprionodon terraenovae - sedar2013

Species Rhizoprionodon terraenovae
Superorder Galeomorphii
Order Carcharhiniformes
Subclass Elasmobranchii
Family Carcharhinidae
Source observation stock_assessment
General data type standardized_abundance
Unit individual
Unit freeform
Unit transformation
Sampling Method general multiple
Year Value
1950 45257730
1951 45003710
1952 44790950
1953 44612550
1954 44461990
1955 44333690
1956 44224260
1957 44130820
1958 44050740
1959 43981870
1960 43922310
1961 43871080
1962 43826880
1963 43788200
1964 43754780
1965 43725360
1966 43699480
1967 43676550
1968 43656300
1969 43638100
1970 43621890
1971 43607280
1972 43593660
1973 42533930
1974 41830930
1975 41012460
1976 40755030
1977 39671890
1978 38567260
1979 37029090
1980 34635660
1981 34170920
1982 33255970
1983 32582980
1984 32071480
1985 31597950
1986 30920840
1987 29947820
1988 28241490
1989 27669020
1990 26375880
1991 25316950
1992 24012360
1993 23686300
1994 23664590
1995 23173210
1996 23093170
1997 23069210
1998 22931310
1999 22448380
2000 22030610
2001 21907168
2002 22114440
2003 22479293
2004 22731634
2005 23294252
2006 24405579
2007 25403334
2008 26325101
2009 27501675
2010 28132584
2011 28863603
Ocean Atlantic
Name Northwest Atlantic and North Gulf of Mexico
Latitude 30.0
Longitude -80.0
PPOW Gulf Stream; Inter American Seas
MEOW Cold Temperate Northwest Atlantic; Tropical Northwestern Atlantic; Warm Temperate Northwest Atlantic
FAO Atlantic, Northwest; Atlantic, Western Central
ID 25554
AuthorYear sedar2013
Start Page
Epub Date
SourceYear 2013
DataSource Trends
Reference SEDAR 2013. SEDAR 34 Stock Assessment Report: Atlantic Sharpnose Shark; SECTION II
data entered false
Identifier 4115
Experts for representativeness IUCN NWAtlantic sharks and rays - Bahamas June 2019
Figure Name
Page and Figure Number p119t3.5.15
Line Used N column
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