ID | 289 |
Author | |
AuthorYear | alejoplata2016 |
Title | |
Journal | |
Volume | |
Part/Supplement | |
Issue | |
Pages | |
Start Page | |
Errata | |
Epub Date | |
SourceYear | 2016 |
DataSource | Shark-references |
doi | 10.3856/vol44-issue3-fulltext-10 |
Reference | ALEJO-PLATA, M.D. & AHUMADA-SEMPOAL, M.A. & GOMEZ-MARQUEZ, J.L. & GONZALEZ-ACOSTA, A. (2016) Population structure and reproductive characteristics of the silky shark Carcharhinus falciformis (Muller & Henle, 1839) (Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae) off the coast of Oaxaca, Mexico. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 44 (3): 513 |
data entered | true |
Species | Class | Name | Value | Standard | ValueType | Location |
Carcharhinus falciformis | Reproduction | Parturition | May-October | Month | raw_value | Gulf of Tehuantepec |
Carcharhinus falciformis | Length | Lmat50 | 184.8 | cm TL | mean | Gulf of Tehuantepec |
Carcharhinus falciformis | Length | Lmat50 | 178.5 | cm TL | mean | Gulf of Tehuantepec |
Carcharhinus falciformis | Length | Length at first maturity | 160 | cm TL | raw_value | Gulf of Tehuantepec |
Carcharhinus falciformis | Length | Length at first maturity | 120 | cm TL | raw_value | Gulf of Tehuantepec |
Carcharhinus falciformis | Length | Lmax-observed | 217 | cm TL | raw_value | Gulf of Tehuantepec |
Carcharhinus falciformis | Length | Lmax-observed | 265 | cm TL | raw_value | Gulf of Tehuantepec |
Carcharhinus falciformis | Length | Lbirth | 66 | cm TL | raw_value | Gulf of Tehuantepec |
Carcharhinus falciformis | Reproduction | Uterine fecundity | 7 | n | raw_value | Gulf of Tehuantepec |