ID | 25486 |
Author | |
AuthorYear | cruzramirez2012 |
Title | |
Journal | |
Volume | |
Part/Supplement | |
Issue | |
Pages | |
Start Page | |
Errata | |
Epub Date | |
SourceYear | 2012 |
DataSource | Emiliano-Luz |
doi | |
Reference | Cruz-Ramírez, A., Soriano-Velásquez, S. R., Santana-Hernández, H., Ramírez-Santiago, C. E. & Acal-Sánchez, D. E. (2012) Aspectos reproductivos del tiburón azul Prionace glauca capturado por la flota palangrera de mediana altura del Puerto de Manzanillo, Colima. Ciencia Pesquera. 20 (1): 39-48. |
data entered | true |
Species | Class | Name | Value | Standard | ValueType | Location |
Prionace glauca | Length | Lmat50 | 175 | cm TL | mean | Colima |
Prionace glauca | Length | Lmat50 | 175 | cm TL | mean | Colima |
Prionace glauca | Length | Lmax-observed | 274 | cm TL | raw_value | Colima |
Prionace glauca | Length | Lmax-observed | 262 | cm TL | raw_value | Colima |
Prionace glauca | Length | Length of largest immature | 185 | cm TL | raw_value | Colima |
Prionace glauca | Length | Length of largest immature | 180 | cm TL | raw_value | Colima |
Prionace glauca | Reproduction | Max oviducal width | 60 | mm | raw_value | Colima |
Prionace glauca | Reproduction | Uterine fecundity | 30 | n | mean | Colima |