Chlamydoselachus anguineus

Superorder: Squalomorphii

Subclass: Elasmobranchii

Order: Hexanchiformes

Family: Chlamydoselachidae

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External references for this species:

IUCN Red List



Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Length at first maturity 110 cm TL raw_value Male Suruga Bay, Japan tanaka1990d
Lmax-observed 154.8 cm TL max Male Suruga Bay, Japan tanaka1990d
Length at first maturity 140 cm TL raw_value Female Suruga Bay, Japan tanaka1990d
Lmax-observed 185.2 cm TL max Female Suruga Bay, Japan tanaka1990d
Length of largest immature 155.9 cm TL max Female Suruga Bay, Japan tanaka1990d
Lbirth 55 cm TL raw_value Pooled Suruga Bay, Japan tanaka1990d
Lmax-observed 135 cm TL max Male New Zealand bass1975a
Lmax-observed 157.5 cm TL max Female New Zealand bass1975a
Length at first maturity 97 cm TL raw_value Male East coast of Southern Africa bass1975a


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Uterine fecundity 2 n min Female Suruga Bay, Japan tanaka1990d
Uterine fecundity 6.3 n mean Female Suruga Bay, Japan tanaka1990d
Ovum diameter 96.5 mm max Female Suruga Bay, Japan tanaka1990d
Ovarian fecundity 6 n min Female Suruga Bay, Japan tanaka1990d
Ovarian fecundity 8.3 n mean Female Suruga Bay, Japan tanaka1990d
Ovulation December Month raw_value Female Suruga Bay, Japan tanaka1990d
Offspring mass 380 g max Pooled Suruga Bay, Japan tanaka1990d

Contributors to the data of this species

  • ajudah