Length of largest immature individuals based on gonadal observation (production of gametes) or clasper calcification.
Species ↕ | Name | Value | Standard | ValueType | Location | Reference ↕ |
Atelomycterus marmoratus | Length of largest immature | 41.9 | cm TL | max | Indonesia | white2007b |
Bythaelurus hispidus | Length of largest immature | 26.5 | cm TL | max | Wedge/Quilon Bank, Gulf of Mannar | akhilesh2013d |
Carcharhinus acronotus | Length of largest immature | 95.8 | cm FL | max | South Carolina | driggers2004a |
Carcharhinus acronotus | Length of largest immature | 92.6 | cm FL | max | South Carolina | driggers2004a |
Carcharhinus borneensis | Length of largest immature | 37.3 | cm TL | max | Sarawak, Malaysia & Singkawang, Indonesia | white2010b |
Carcharhinus borneensis | Length of largest immature | 46.9 | cm TL | max | Dinghai, Chu Shan Island, China | white2010b |
Carcharhinus brevipinna | Length of largest immature | 190 | cm TL | max | Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria | capape2003d |
Carcharhinus brevipinna | Length of largest immature | 172 | cm TL | max | Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria | capape2003d |
Carcharhinus brevipinna | Length of largest immature | 238 | cm TL | max | Northeastern Taiwan | joung2005a |
Carcharhinus falciformis | Length of largest immature | 230 | cm TL | max | Northeastern Taiwan (Nanafanao fish market) | Joung2008 |
Carcharhinus galapagensis | Length of largest immature | 239 | cm TL | max | Hawaii | wetherbee1996b |
Carcharhinus galapagensis | Length of largest immature | 245 | cm TL | max | Hawaii | wetherbee1996b |
Carcharhinus leucas | Length of largest immature | 212 | cm TL | max | Northern Gulf of Mexico (Texas, also Florida & Panama) | branstetter1987c |
Carcharhinus leucas | Length of largest immature | 198 | cm TL | max | Northern Gulf of Mexico (Texas, also Florida & Panama) | branstetter1987c |
Carcharhinus limbatus | Length of largest immature | 128 | cm TL | max | Northwestern Gulf of Mexico | branstetter1987 |
Carcharhinus limbatus | Length of largest immature | 145 | cm TL | max | Northwestern Gulf of Mexico | branstetter1987 |
Carcharhinus longimanus | Length of largest immature | 202 | cm TL | max | Off coast of Northeastern Taiwan, Nanfanao fish market | joung2016 |
Carcharhinus melanopterus | Length of largest immature | 114 | cm TL | max | Moorea, French Polynesia | mourier2013a |
Carcharhinus perezi | Length of largest immature | 154 | cm TL | max | Los Roques Archipelago | tavares2005 |
Chaenogaleus macrostoma | Length of largest immature | 74 | cm TL | max | Bahrain | moore2013a |
Chaenogaleus macrostoma | Length of largest immature | 83.4 | cm TL | max | Indonesia | white2007b |
Chimaera argiloba | Length of largest immature | 42.4 | cm BDL | max | Western Australia | last2008u |
Chimaera argiloba | Length of largest immature | 89.7 | cm TL | max | Western Australia | last2008u |
Chimaera carophila | Length of largest immature | 99 | cm CL | max | New Zealand | finucci2017a |
Chimaera carophila | Length of largest immature | 85 | cm CL | max | New Zealand | finucci2017a |
Chimaera carophila | Length of largest immature | 37.6 | cm BDL | max | New Zealand | kemper2015c |
Chimaera carophila | Length of largest immature | 52.2 | cm BDL | max | New Zealand | kemper2015c |
Chimaera carophila | Length of largest immature | 75.9 | cm TL | max | New Zealand | kemper2015c |
Chimaera carophila | Length of largest immature | 83.5 | cm TL | max | New Zealand | kemper2015c |
Chlamydoselachus anguineus | Length of largest immature | 155.9 | cm TL | max | Suruga Bay, Japan | tanaka1990d |
Echinorhinus brucus | Length of largest immature | 220 | cm TL | max | Kochi, Kerala | akhilesh2013b |
Echinorhinus brucus | Length of largest immature | 198 | cm TL | max | Kochi, Kerala | akhilesh2013b |
Eridacnis radcliffei | Length of largest immature | 18.6 | cm TL | max | Sakthikulangara fishing harbour (Quilon), Kerala, Southwest India | akhilesh2012 |
Eusphyra blochii | Length of largest immature | 113 | cm TL | max | Timor Sea | stevens1989d |
Galeocerdo cuvier | Length of largest immature | 314 | cm TL | max | Main Hawaiian Islands | whitney2007 |
Gymnura micrura | Length of largest immature | 63 | cm DW | Campeche | cusalazar2014 | |
Gymnura micrura | Length of largest immature | 24 | cm DW | Campeche | cusalazar2014 | |
Halaelurus maculosus | Length of largest immature | 36 | cm TL | max | Indonesia | white2007b |
Harriotta raleighana | Length of largest immature | 84.3 | cm CL | max | New Zealand | finucci2017 |
Harriotta raleighana | Length of largest immature | 65.3 | cm CL | max | New Zealand | finucci2017 |
Hemipristis elongata | Length of largest immature | 116 | cm TL | max | Timor Sea | stevens1991a |
Hydrolagus erithacus | Length of largest immature | 77.5 | cm BDL | max | Discovery Seamount | walovich2017 |
Nasolamia velox | Length of largest immature | 104 | cm TL | Gulf of Tehuantepec | dominguezarellano2003 | |
Nasolamia velox | Length of largest immature | 104 | cm TL | Gulf of Tehuantepec | dominguezarellano2003 | |
Oxynotus bruniensis | Length of largest immature | 71.5 | cm TL | max | New Zealand | finucci2016 |
Oxynotus bruniensis | Length of largest immature | 64.8 | cm TL | max | New Zealand | finucci2016 |
Oxynotus centrina | Length of largest immature | 59 | cm TL | max | Northern coasts of Tunisia, Gulf of Lion, Cape Verge Peninsula | capape1999 |
Paragaleus pectoralis | Length of largest immature | 89 | cm TL | max | Senegal Coast | capape2005a |
Paragaleus pectoralis | Length of largest immature | 100 | cm TL | max | Senegal Coast | capape2005a |
Prionace glauca | Length of largest immature | 185 | cm TL | raw_value | Colima | cruzramirez2012 |
Prionace glauca | Length of largest immature | 180 | cm TL | raw_value | Colima | cruzramirez2012 |
Pristis zijsron | Length of largest immature | 250 | cm TL | max | Sudanese Red Sea | elhassan2018 |
Rhinochimaera pacifica | Length of largest immature | 129.5 | cm CL | max | New Zealand | finucci2017 |
Rhinochimaera pacifica | Length of largest immature | 116.6 | cm CL | max | New Zealand | finucci2017 |
Rhinoptera bonasus | Length of largest immature | 83 | cm DW | raw_value | Campeche | perezjimenez2011 |
Rhinoptera bonasus | Length of largest immature | 92 | cm DW | raw_value | Campeche | perezjimenez2011 |
Rhinoptera steindachneri | Length of largest immature | 72 | cm DW | raw_value | Gulf of California | bizzarro2007a |
Rhinoptera steindachneri | Length of largest immature | 76 | cm DW | raw_value | Gulf of California | bizzarro2007a |
Rhizoprionodon acutus | Length of largest immature | 83.4 | cm TL | max | Indonesia | white2007a |
Rhizoprionodon terraenovae | Length of largest immature | 92 | cm TL | Gulf of Mexico | zeadelacruz2012 | |
Sphyrna lewini | Length of largest immature | 192 | cm PCL | max | Southwest Indian Ocean | deBruyn2005 |
Sphyrna lewini | Length of largest immature | 206 | cm PCL | max | Southwest Indian Ocean | deBruyn2005 |
Sphyrna lewini | Length of largest immature | 161 | cm TL | max | Timor Sea | stevens1989d |
Sphyrna lewini | Length of largest immature | 170 | cm TL | raw_value | Gulf of California | torreshuerta2008 |
Sphyrna lewini | Length of largest immature | 204 | cm TL | raw_value | Gulf of California | torreshuerta2008 |
Sphyrna mokarran | Length of largest immature | 230 | cm PCL | min | Southwest Indian Ocean | cliff1995 |
Sphyrna mokarran | Length of largest immature | 246 | cm PCL | max | Southwest Indian Ocean | cliff1995 |
Sphyrna mokarran | Length of largest immature | 242 | cm TL | max | East Australian coast | harry2011a |
Sphyrna mokarran | Length of largest immature | 242 | cm TL | max | East Australian coast | harry2011a |
Sphyrna mokarran | Length of largest immature | 230 | cm TL | max | Timor Sea | stevens1989d |
Sphyrna mokarran | Length of largest immature | 258 | cm TL | max | Timor Sea | stevens1989d |
Squatina californica | Length of largest immature | 79 | cm TL | raw_value | Gulf of California | romerocaicedo2016 |
Squatina californica | Length of largest immature | 78 | cm TL | raw_value | Gulf of California | romerocaicedo2016 |
Zapteryx exasperata | Length of largest immature | 75 | cm DW | raw_value | Gulf of California | blancoparra2009b |
Zapteryx exasperata | Length of largest immature | 75 | cm TL | raw_value | Gulf of California | blancoparra2009b |