Length of largest immature

Length of largest immature individuals based on gonadal observation (production of gametes) or clasper calcification.


Species Name Value Standard ValueType Location Reference
Atelomycterus marmoratus Length of largest immature 41.9 cm TL max Indonesia white2007b
Bythaelurus hispidus Length of largest immature 26.5 cm TL max Wedge/Quilon Bank, Gulf of Mannar akhilesh2013d
Carcharhinus acronotus Length of largest immature 95.8 cm FL max South Carolina driggers2004a
Carcharhinus acronotus Length of largest immature 92.6 cm FL max South Carolina driggers2004a
Carcharhinus borneensis Length of largest immature 37.3 cm TL max Sarawak, Malaysia & Singkawang, Indonesia white2010b
Carcharhinus borneensis Length of largest immature 46.9 cm TL max Dinghai, Chu Shan Island, China white2010b
Carcharhinus brevipinna Length of largest immature 190 cm TL max Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Carcharhinus brevipinna Length of largest immature 172 cm TL max Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Carcharhinus brevipinna Length of largest immature 238 cm TL max Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Carcharhinus falciformis Length of largest immature 230 cm TL max Northeastern Taiwan (Nanafanao fish market) Joung2008
Carcharhinus galapagensis Length of largest immature 239 cm TL max Hawaii wetherbee1996b
Carcharhinus galapagensis Length of largest immature 245 cm TL max Hawaii wetherbee1996b
Carcharhinus leucas Length of largest immature 212 cm TL max Northern Gulf of Mexico (Texas, also Florida & Panama) branstetter1987c
Carcharhinus leucas Length of largest immature 198 cm TL max Northern Gulf of Mexico (Texas, also Florida & Panama) branstetter1987c
Carcharhinus limbatus Length of largest immature 128 cm TL max Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Carcharhinus limbatus Length of largest immature 145 cm TL max Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Carcharhinus longimanus Length of largest immature 202 cm TL max Off coast of Northeastern Taiwan, Nanfanao fish market joung2016
Carcharhinus melanopterus Length of largest immature 114 cm TL max Moorea, French Polynesia mourier2013a
Carcharhinus perezi Length of largest immature 154 cm TL max Los Roques Archipelago tavares2005
Chaenogaleus macrostoma Length of largest immature 74 cm TL max Bahrain moore2013a
Chaenogaleus macrostoma Length of largest immature 83.4 cm TL max Indonesia white2007b
Chimaera argiloba Length of largest immature 42.4 cm BDL max Western Australia last2008u
Chimaera argiloba Length of largest immature 89.7 cm TL max Western Australia last2008u
Chimaera carophila Length of largest immature 99 cm CL max New Zealand finucci2017a
Chimaera carophila Length of largest immature 85 cm CL max New Zealand finucci2017a
Chimaera carophila Length of largest immature 37.6 cm BDL max New Zealand kemper2015c
Chimaera carophila Length of largest immature 52.2 cm BDL max New Zealand kemper2015c
Chimaera carophila Length of largest immature 75.9 cm TL max New Zealand kemper2015c
Chimaera carophila Length of largest immature 83.5 cm TL max New Zealand kemper2015c
Chlamydoselachus anguineus Length of largest immature 155.9 cm TL max Suruga Bay, Japan tanaka1990d
Echinorhinus brucus Length of largest immature 220 cm TL max Kochi, Kerala akhilesh2013b
Echinorhinus brucus Length of largest immature 198 cm TL max Kochi, Kerala akhilesh2013b
Eridacnis radcliffei Length of largest immature 18.6 cm TL max Sakthikulangara fishing harbour (Quilon), Kerala, Southwest India akhilesh2012
Eusphyra blochii Length of largest immature 113 cm TL max Timor Sea stevens1989d
Galeocerdo cuvier Length of largest immature 314 cm TL max Main Hawaiian Islands whitney2007
Gymnura micrura Length of largest immature 63 cm DW Campeche cusalazar2014
Gymnura micrura Length of largest immature 24 cm DW Campeche cusalazar2014
Halaelurus maculosus Length of largest immature 36 cm TL max Indonesia white2007b
Harriotta raleighana Length of largest immature 84.3 cm CL max New Zealand finucci2017
Harriotta raleighana Length of largest immature 65.3 cm CL max New Zealand finucci2017
Hemipristis elongata Length of largest immature 116 cm TL max Timor Sea stevens1991a
Hydrolagus erithacus Length of largest immature 77.5 cm BDL max Discovery Seamount walovich2017
Nasolamia velox Length of largest immature 104 cm TL Gulf of Tehuantepec dominguezarellano2003
Nasolamia velox Length of largest immature 104 cm TL Gulf of Tehuantepec dominguezarellano2003
Oxynotus bruniensis Length of largest immature 71.5 cm TL max New Zealand finucci2016
Oxynotus bruniensis Length of largest immature 64.8 cm TL max New Zealand finucci2016
Oxynotus centrina Length of largest immature 59 cm TL max Northern coasts of Tunisia, Gulf of Lion, Cape Verge Peninsula capape1999
Paragaleus pectoralis Length of largest immature 89 cm TL max Senegal Coast capape2005a
Paragaleus pectoralis Length of largest immature 100 cm TL max Senegal Coast capape2005a
Prionace glauca Length of largest immature 185 cm TL raw_value Colima cruzramirez2012
Prionace glauca Length of largest immature 180 cm TL raw_value Colima cruzramirez2012
Pristis zijsron Length of largest immature 250 cm TL max Sudanese Red Sea elhassan2018
Rhinochimaera pacifica Length of largest immature 129.5 cm CL max New Zealand finucci2017
Rhinochimaera pacifica Length of largest immature 116.6 cm CL max New Zealand finucci2017
Rhinoptera bonasus Length of largest immature 83 cm DW raw_value Campeche perezjimenez2011
Rhinoptera bonasus Length of largest immature 92 cm DW raw_value Campeche perezjimenez2011
Rhinoptera steindachneri Length of largest immature 72 cm DW raw_value Gulf of California bizzarro2007a
Rhinoptera steindachneri Length of largest immature 76 cm DW raw_value Gulf of California bizzarro2007a
Rhizoprionodon acutus Length of largest immature 83.4 cm TL max Indonesia white2007a
Rhizoprionodon terraenovae Length of largest immature 92 cm TL Gulf of Mexico zeadelacruz2012
Sphyrna lewini Length of largest immature 192 cm PCL max Southwest Indian Ocean deBruyn2005
Sphyrna lewini Length of largest immature 206 cm PCL max Southwest Indian Ocean deBruyn2005
Sphyrna lewini Length of largest immature 161 cm TL max Timor Sea stevens1989d
Sphyrna lewini Length of largest immature 170 cm TL raw_value Gulf of California torreshuerta2008
Sphyrna lewini Length of largest immature 204 cm TL raw_value Gulf of California torreshuerta2008
Sphyrna mokarran Length of largest immature 230 cm PCL min Southwest Indian Ocean cliff1995
Sphyrna mokarran Length of largest immature 246 cm PCL max Southwest Indian Ocean cliff1995
Sphyrna mokarran Length of largest immature 242 cm TL max East Australian coast harry2011a
Sphyrna mokarran Length of largest immature 242 cm TL max East Australian coast harry2011a
Sphyrna mokarran Length of largest immature 230 cm TL max Timor Sea stevens1989d
Sphyrna mokarran Length of largest immature 258 cm TL max Timor Sea stevens1989d
Squatina californica Length of largest immature 79 cm TL raw_value Gulf of California romerocaicedo2016
Squatina californica Length of largest immature 78 cm TL raw_value Gulf of California romerocaicedo2016
Zapteryx exasperata Length of largest immature 75 cm DW raw_value Gulf of California blancoparra2009b
Zapteryx exasperata Length of largest immature 75 cm TL raw_value Gulf of California blancoparra2009b