Echinorhinus brucus

Superorder: Squalomorphii

Subclass: Elasmobranchii

Order: Echinorhiniformes

Family: Echinorhinidae

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External references for this species:

IUCN Red List



Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Lmax-observed 300 cm TL max Male Kochi, Kerala akhilesh2013b
Lmax-observed 318 cm TL max Female Kochi, Kerala akhilesh2013b
Length of largest immature 198 cm TL max Male Kochi, Kerala akhilesh2013b
Length of largest immature 220 cm TL max Female Kochi, Kerala akhilesh2013b
Lmat50 187 cm TL mean Male Kochi, Kerala akhilesh2013b
Lmat50 189 cm TL mean Female Kochi, Kerala akhilesh2013b
Lbirth 42 cm TL min Pooled Kochi, Kerala akhilesh2013b
Length at first maturity 172 cm TL raw_value Male Kochi, Kerala akhilesh2013b
Length at maternity 196 cm TL min Female Kochi, Kerala akhilesh2013b


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Uterine fecundity 10 n min Female Kochi, Kerala akhilesh2013b
Reproductive mode Aplacental Viviparity Category Female Kochi, Kerala akhilesh2013b
Ovarian fecundity 12 n min Female Kochi, Kerala akhilesh2013b


Location Unit Reference
ton Bineeshunpubl1 Details

Contributors to the data of this species

  • ajudah
  • Nathan Pacoureau