Carcharhinus plumbeus - sedar2011c

Species Carcharhinus plumbeus
Superorder Galeomorphii
Order Carcharhiniformes
Subclass Elasmobranchii
Family Carcharhinidae
Source observation stock_assessment
General data type standardized_biomass
Unit kg
Unit freeform
Unit transformation
Sampling Method general multiple
Year Value
1960 88307548
1961 88294090
1962 88274185
1963 88249192
1964 88217597
1965 88180897
1966 88138044
1967 88089966
1968 88035502
1969 87975820
1970 87911547
1971 87842350
1972 87767679
1973 87689191
1974 87604799
1975 87516177
1976 87423467
1977 87326255
1978 87224521
1979 87119246
1980 87010124
1981 86896459
1982 86773595
1983 86137310
1984 84458374
1985 83300472
1986 82110607
1987 79837404
1988 76582667
1989 71293576
1990 65311505
1991 60884602
1992 57897374
1993 54684577
1994 52540571
1995 48700128
1996 46166875
1997 44116196
1998 42800641
1999 40720368
2000 38982212
2001 37912155
2002 36256021
2003 34525532
2004 33268064
2005 32247512
2006 31436577
2007 30383263
2008 30139700
2009 30431026
Ocean Atlantic
Name Northwest Atlantic and North Gulf of Mexico
Latitude 30.0
Longitude -80.0
PPOW Gulf Stream; Inter American Seas
MEOW Cold Temperate Northwest Atlantic; Tropical Northwestern Atlantic; Warm Temperate Northwest Atlantic
FAO Atlantic, Northwest; Atlantic, Western Central
ID 25551
AuthorYear sedar2011c
Start Page
Epub Date
SourceYear 2011
DataSource Trends
Reference SEDAR 2011. SEDAR 21: Stock Assessment Report HMS Sandbar Shark ; SECTION I
data entered false
Identifier 3634
Experts for representativeness NA
Figure Name
Page and Figure Number p71t5
Line Used B
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