Carcharhinus plumbeus

Superorder: Galeomorphii

Subclass: Elasmobranchii

Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Carcharhinidae

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External references for this species:

IUCN Red List
Species Regulated by International Treaties

CITES: Appendix II (2022)


Ecological Role

Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Direct Predation High Effect size mean Pooled North Carolina myers2007
Direct Predation Medium Strength of evidence mean Pooled North Carolina myers2007
Risk Effect Medium Effect size mean Pooled North Carolina myers2007
Risk Effect Low Strength of evidence mean Pooled North Carolina myers2007
Trophic Cascade High Effect size mean Pooled North Carolina myers2007
Trophic Cascade Low Strength of evidence mean Pooled North Carolina myers2007
Direct Predation Medium Effect size mean Pooled North Carolina grubbs2016
Direct Predation Low Strength of evidence mean Pooled North Carolina grubbs2016
Risk Effect Medium Effect size mean Pooled North Carolina grubbs2016
Risk Effect Low Strength of evidence mean Pooled North Carolina grubbs2016
Trophic Cascade Low Effect size mean Pooled North Carolina grubbs2016
Trophic Cascade Low Strength of evidence mean Pooled North Carolina grubbs2016


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Uterine fecundity 4 n min Female Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
Parturition February Month min Female Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
Gestation length 10 Month min Female Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
Breeding April Month min Female Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
Uterine fecundity 7.54 n mean Female Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
Uterine fecundity 1 n min Female Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Lmax-observed 200.3 cm TL max Male Indonesia white2007a
Lmax-observed 200.1 cm TL max Male Indonesia white2007a
Length at first maturity 183 cm TL raw_value Female Indonesia white2007a
Length at maternity 180 cm TL min Female Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
Lbirth 60 cm TL min Female Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
Lmax-observed 209 cm TL max Male Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
Lmax-observed 221 cm TL max Female Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
Length at first maturity 160 cm TL min Male Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
Length at first maturity 165 cm TL min Female Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
Lmat50 170 cm TL min Male Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
Lmat50 175 cm TL raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
Lmax-observed 209 cm TL max Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
Lmax-observed 219 cm TL max Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2004


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
a -7.544 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
b 0.075 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
a 2.641 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
b 0.823 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
a -0.491 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
b 0.739 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
a 0.657 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
b 0.81 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
a -5.055 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
b 0.786 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
a 1.89e-06 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
b 3.23 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
a -5.0554 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
b 0.7681 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
a 0.6547 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
b 0.8105 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
a 61.3 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
b 173 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
a -2.6411 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
b 0.8232 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
a -0.4908 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
b 0.7391 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
a 84 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
b 134.7 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2004


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
k 0.17 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
Linf 210 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
t0 -2.3 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
k 0.14 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
Linf 200 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
t0 -4 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
k 0.1 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
Linf 223 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
t0 -4.5 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2004


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Age at first maturity 8.2 Year raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
Age at first maturity 7.5 Year min Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
Age at first maturity 10.9 Year raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
Age at first maturity 9.9 Year min Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
Amax-observed 19.8 Year max Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2004
Amax-observed 20.8 Year max Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2004


Location Unit Reference
Onslow Bay, Carolina, USA
individual grubbs2016 Details
South Virginia coast, USA
individual grubbs2016 Details
Kwazulu-Natal coast South-Africa
individual dudley2006b Details
North Carolina to Brownsville (USA)
individual peterson2017 Details
Southwest Australia
individual braccini2018a Details
Southwest Australia
individual braccini2018a Details
northwestern Australia
individual Braccini2020 Details
Pilbara and Kimberley, Northwest Australia
kg McAuley2012 Details
Northwest Atlantic coast of USA
individual walter2010 Details
Northwest Atlantic and North Gulf of Mexico
individual sedar2011c Details
Northwest Atlantic and North Gulf of Mexico
kg sedar2011c Details
Western and Central Pacific
individual Tremblay-Boyer2016 Details
Northwest Atlantic and North Gulf of Mexico
ton SEDAR2017 Details

Group Trends

Location Unit Reference
Queensland east coastline, Australia
individual Roff2018 Details
Queensland east coastline, Australia
individual Roff2018 Details

Contributors to the data of this species

  • ajudah
  • Simon Dedman
  • Nathan Pacoureau