Prionace glauca - airesdasilva2008a

Species Prionace glauca
Superorder Galeomorphii
Order Carcharhiniformes
Subclass Elasmobranchii
Family Carcharhinidae
Source observation fishery_independent
General data type sCPUE
Unit individual
Unit freeform
Unit transformation
Sampling Method general longline
Year Value
1957 0.98
1958 0.48
1959 1.11
1960 1.18
1961 1.13
1962 1.5
1963 0.7
1964 0.87
1965 1.55
1966 1.27
1967 1.43
1968 1.31
1969 1.96
1970 0.97
1971 1.08
1972 1.93
1975 0.88
1976 0.75
1977 1.82
1978 1.06
1979 0.86
1980 0.83
1981 1.05
1982 0.78
1983 1.01
1984 0.68
1985 0.74
1986 0.48
1987 0.5
1988 0.44
1989 0.8
1990 0.94
1991 1.22
1992 0.63
1993 0.95
1994 0.98
1995 0.73
1996 0.47
1997 1.25
1998 1.16
1999 0.76
2000 0.78
Ocean Atlantic
Name Northwest Atlantic
Latitude 40.0
Longitude -60.0
PPOW North Atlantic Transitional; North Central Atlantic Gyre; Gulf Stream
MEOW Cold Temperate Northwest Atlantic
FAO Atlantic, Northwest
ID 213
AuthorYear airesdasilva2008a
Start Page
Epub Date
SourceYear 2008
DataSource Shark-references
doi 10.1016/j.fishres.2007.12.019
Reference AIRES-DA-SILVA, A.M. & HOEY, J.J. & GALLUCCI, V.F. (2008) A historical index of abundance for the blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the western North Atlantic. Fisheries Research, 92 (1): 41
data entered false
Identifier 3975
Experts for representativeness NA
Figure Name AiresdaSilva_2008
Page and Figure Number p47t6
Line Used NA
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