Pristiophorus cirratus,nudipinnis - tuck2018a

Species Group
Source observation fisheries
General data type sCPUE
Unit kg
Unit freeform
Unit transformation
Sampling Method general multiple?
Year Value
1995 1.3135
1996 1.3338
1997 1.1837
1998 1.0906
1999 1.2529
2000 1.1011
2001 1.0665
2002 0.9359
2003 0.8538
2004 0.8401
2005 0.8446
2006 0.9368
2007 0.8139
2008 0.8536
2009 1.0858
2010 0.979
2011 0.8724
2012 0.8649
2013 1.0087
2014 1.0071
2015 0.9205
2016 0.8408
Ocean Pacific
Name South and Southeast Australia
Latitude -40.0
Longitude 142.0
PPOW Subtropical Convergence; Non-gyral Southwest Pacific
MEOW Southeast Australian Shelf; Southwest Australian Shelf
FAO Pacific, Southwest; Indian Ocean, Eastern
ID 25854
AuthorYear tuck2018a
Start Page
Epub Date
SourceYear 2018
DataSource Trends
Reference Tuck, G.N. (ed.) 2018. Stock Assessment for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery 2016 and 2017. Part 2, 2017. Australian Fisheries Management Authority and CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, Hobart. 837p.
data entered false
Identifier 4010
Comments Time-series represents group: Pristiophorus cirratus, P. nudipinnis. Predominantly P. cirratus (at 82%; see Raoult, V., Peddemors, V., Rowling, K., & Williamson, J. E. (2020). Spatiotemporal distributions of two sympatric sawsharks (Pristiophorus cirratus and P. nudipinnis) in south-eastern Australian waters. Marine and Freshwater Research)
Experts for representativeness NA
Figure Name
Page and Figure Number p534t11.6
Line Used CE
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