Chaenogaleus macrostoma

Superorder: Galeomorphii

Subclass: Elasmobranchii

Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Hemigaleidae

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External references for this species:

IUCN Red List



Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Length of largest immature 74 cm TL max Male Bahrain moore2013a
Lmax-observed 92 cm TL max Male Bahrain moore2013a
Lmax-observed 93 cm TL max Female Bahrain moore2013a
Lmax-observed 125 cm TL max Male Indonesia white2007b
Length of largest immature 83.4 cm TL max Male Indonesia white2007b
Lmax-observed 85.9 cm TL max Female Indonesia white2007b


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
a 0.0013 Coefficient Pooled Oman Sea rastgoo2016
b 3.266 Coefficient Pooled Oman Sea rastgoo2016
a 0.0157 Coefficient Male Oman Sea rastgoo2016
b 2.583 Coefficient Male Oman Sea rastgoo2016
a 0.0019 Coefficient Female Oman Sea rastgoo2016

Contributors to the data of this species

  • aharry
  • ajudah