Rhinochimaera pacifica

Superorder: Holocephalimorpha

Subclass: Holocephali

Order: Chimaeriformes

Family: Rhinochimaeridae

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External references for this species:

IUCN Red List



Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Lmax-observed 56 cm BDL max Female Hota, Tokyo Bay didier1999
Lmax-observed 51.3 cm BDL max Male Hota, Tokyo Bay didier1999
Lmax-observed 128 cm TL max Female Hota, Tokyo Bay didier1999
Lmax-observed 120.4 cm TL max Male Hota, Tokyo Bay didier1999
Lmax-observed 100 cm TL max Male Southeastern coast of Sakhalin Island dolganov2017
Lmax-observed 50.8 cm CL max Male New Zealand finucci2017
Lmax-observed 20.9 cm CL max Female New Zealand finucci2017
Lmax-observed 107.7 cm CL median Male New Zealand finucci2017
Lmax-observed 105.85 cm CL median Female New Zealand finucci2017
Lmat50 105.3 cm CL mean Male New Zealand finucci2017
Lmat50 104.7 cm CL mean Male New Zealand finucci2017
Lmat50 125 cm CL mean Female New Zealand finucci2017
Lmat50 123.6 cm CL mean Female New Zealand finucci2017
Length at first maturity 108.3 cm CL min Female New Zealand finucci2017
Length of largest immature 129.5 cm CL max Female New Zealand finucci2017
Length at first maturity 99.7 cm CL min Male New Zealand finucci2017
Length of largest immature 116.6 cm CL max Male New Zealand finucci2017
Body Mass 17 g max Male New Zealand finucci2017
Body Mass 136 g max Female New Zealand finucci2017
Lmax-observed 54.5 cm BDL max Female 3-4 nautical miles east of Kuei-Shan-Tao shao1997a
Lmax-observed 116.5 cm TL max Female 3-4 nautical miles east of Kuei-Shan-Tao shao1997a


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Ovum diameter 2 mm min Female New Zealand finucci2017
Ovarian fecundity 16 n max Female New Zealand finucci2017
Ovarian fecundity 31 n max Female New Zealand finucci2017


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
a 5.993 Coefficient Pooled New Zealand finucci2017
b 3.717 Coefficient Pooled New Zealand finucci2017

Contributors to the data of this species

  • bfinucci