Sphyrna,Eusphyra S. mokarran,S. lewini,S. zygaena,E. blochii - rice2015

Species Group
Source observation fishery_independent
General data type sCPUE
Unit individual per 1000hook
Unit freeform
Unit transformation
Sampling Method general longline
Year Value
1996 0.6663
1997 1.2433
1998 -0.1604
1999 1.1658
2000 1.5533
2001 3.6372
2002 2.0872
2003 1.803
2004 1.7168
2005 1.7427
2006 1.3122
2007 1.9322
2008 2.1389
2009 2.3714
2010 2.225
2011 2.1991
2012 2.2852
2013 1.4155
Ocean Pacific
Name South Pacific
Latitude -30.0
Longitude 175.0
PPOW North Central Pacific Gyre; South Central Pacific Gyre; Subtropical Convergence; Equatorial Pacific; Non-gyral Southwest Pacific
MEOW Central Polynesia; East Central Australian Shelf; Eastern Coral Triangle; Hawaii; Marshall, Gilbert and Ellis Islands; Northern New Zealand; Southeast Australian Shelf; Southeast Polynesia; Tropical Northwestern Pacific; Tropical Southwestern Pacific
FAO Pacific, Western Central; Pacific, Southwest; Pacific, Eastern Central; Pacific, Northwest
ID 25548
AuthorYear rice2015
Start Page
Epub Date
SourceYear 2015
DataSource trends
Reference RICE, J. & TREMBLAY-BOYER, L. & SCOTT, R. & HARE, S. & TIDD, A. (2015) Analysis of stock status and related indicators for key shark species of the Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission. Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, Scientific Committee Eleventh Regular Session. 5-13 August 2015. WCPFC-SC11-2015/EB-WP-04-Rev 1
data entered false
Identifier 4180
Comments Time-series represents group: Sphyrna mokarran, S. lewini, S. zygaena, Eusphyra blochii
Experts for representativeness NA
Figure Name
Page and Figure Number p85f38
Line Used blue
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