Carcharhinus altimus,signatus,falciformis,limbatus,brevipinna - baum2003

Species Group
Source observation fisheries
General data type abundance
Unit individual
Unit freeform
Unit transformation standardize at 1 in first year
Sampling Method general longline
Year Value
1993 0.9351
1994 0.7885
1995 0.6875
1996 0.6503
1997 0.5493
1998 0.5213
1999 0.4933
2000 0.4927
Ocean Atlantic
Name West Atlantic
Latitude 23.0
Longitude -75.0
PPOW North Atlantic Transitional; North Central Atlantic Gyre; Equatorial Atlantic; Gulf Stream; Inter American Seas
MEOW Cold Temperate Northwest Atlantic; Tropical Northwestern Atlantic; Warm Temperate Northwest Atlantic
FAO Atlantic, Northwest; Atlantic, Western Central
ID 1285
AuthorYear baum2003
Start Page
Epub Date
SourceYear 2003
DataSource Shark-references
doi 10.1126/science.1079777
Reference BAUM, J.K. & MYERS, R.A. & KHELER, D.G. & WORM, B. & HARLEY, S.J. & DOHERTY, P.A. (2003) Collapse and conservation of shark populations in the Northwest Atlantic. Science, 299: 389 10.1126/science.1079777
data entered false
Identifier 3548
Comments Time-series represents group: Carcharhinus altimus, C. signatus, C. falciformis, C. limbatus, C. brevipinna.
Experts for representativeness NA
Figure Name Baum_2003_CoastalSharkSpp.png
Page and Figure Number p390f2d
Line Used NA
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