Carcharhinus brevipinna

Superorder: Galeomorphii

Subclass: Elasmobranchii

Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Carcharhinidae

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External references for this species:

IUCN Red List
Species Regulated by International Treaties

CITES: Appendix II (2022)



Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Lmax-observed 263 cm TL max Male Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Lmax-observed 275 cm TL max Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Length of largest immature 172 cm TL max Male Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Length of largest immature 190 cm TL max Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Lbirth 61.66 cm TL mean Pooled Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Lbirth 61 cm TL min Pooled Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Lbirth 65.6 cm TL mean Pooled Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Lbirth 61 cm TL min Pooled Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Lmax-observed 263 cm TL raw_value Male Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Lmax-observed 277.5 cm TL raw_value Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Lbirth 1203 g mean Pooled Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Lbirth 1075 g min Pooled Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Lbirth 1366.2 g mean Pooled Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Lbirth 1060 g min Pooled Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Length at first maturity 180 cm TL Female Gulf of Mexico gabrielaaguilar2002
Length at first maturity 179 cm TL Male Gulf of Mexico gabrielaaguilar2002
Lmax-observed 278 cm TL Female Gulf of Mexico gabrielaaguilar2002
Lmax-observed 265 cm TL Male Gulf of Mexico gabrielaaguilar2002
Lbirth 50 cm TL Pooled Gulf of Mexico gabrielaaguilar2002
Lbirth 62 cm TL raw_value Pooled Campeche uribemartinez1993
Lmax-observed 293.6 cm TL max Female Indonesia white2007a
Lmax-observed 168.3 cm TL max Male Indonesia white2007a
Lmat50 196.1 cm TL raw_value Male Indonesia white2007a
Lmat95 196.9 cm TL raw_value Male Indonesia white2007a
Lmat50 189.1 cm TL raw_value Male Indonesia white2007a
Lmat95 232.2 cm TL raw_value Male Indonesia white2007a
Length at maternity 263.2 cm TL min Female Indonesia white2007a
Lbirth 65 cm TL min Female Indonesia white2007a
Lmax-observed 208 cm TL max Pooled Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Lbirth 62 cm TL mean Pooled Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Lbirth 72.2 cm TL raw_value Pooled Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Length at first maturity 170 cm TL raw_value Male Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Length at first maturity 180 cm TL raw_value Female Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Lmax-observed 310 cm TL max Pooled Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Length at first maturity 210 cm TL min Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Length at first maturity 220.5 cm TL mean Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Length at first maturity 210 cm TL min Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Length at first maturity 222.5 cm TL mean Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Length of largest immature 238 cm TL max Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Lbirth 65 cm TL min Pooled Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Lmax-observed 158 cm TL max Pooled Gulf of Papua White2019


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Ovum diameter 9.5 g mean Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Ovum diameter 9.1 g min Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Ovum diameter 33.3 mm mean Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Ovum diameter 31 mm min Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Gestation length 13 Month min Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Parturition August Month mean Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Breeding May Month Pooled Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Ovarian fecundity 14.6 n mean Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Ovarian fecundity 10 n min Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Uterine fecundity 7.5 n mean Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Uterine fecundity 6 n min Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Seasonal yes Yes Pooled Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Reproductive mode Placentotrophy Category Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Chemical Balance of Development 65.8 Ratio mean Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Embryonic sex ratio 3659 Ratio Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Ovarian fecundity 5 n min Female Gulf of Mexico gabrielaaguilar2002
Uterine fecundity 3 n min Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Uterine fecundity 8.5 n mean Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Gestation length 10 Month min Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Embryonic sex ratio 1.0:1.0 Ratio raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Parturition September Month raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
a 1.358e-05 Coefficient Male Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
b 2.994 Coefficient Male Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
a 1.358e-05 Coefficient Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
b 2.876 Coefficient Female Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
a 1.217 Coefficient Female Gulf of Mexico gabrielaaguilar2002
b 0.589 Coefficient Female Gulf of Mexico gabrielaaguilar2002
a 1.915 Coefficient Male Gulf of Mexico gabrielaaguilar2002
b 2.8911 Coefficient Male Gulf of Mexico gabrielaaguilar2002
a 1.0e-06 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Indonesia white2007a
b 3.233 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Indonesia white2007a
b 2.97 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
a 7.51e-06 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
a 19.27 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
b 1.21 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
a 13.3 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
b 1.69 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
a 11.55 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
b 1.27 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
a 26.3 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
b 1.56 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
a 3.0e-06 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
b 3.144 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
a 8.0e-06 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
b 2.943 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
a 35.205 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
b 0.769 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
a 30.09 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
b 0.833 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
a -45.062 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
b 0.198 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Linf 214 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
k 0.212 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
t0 1.94 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
L0 75 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
k 0.203 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Linf 257.4 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
t0 -1.709 Coefficient raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
k 0.151 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Linf 288.2 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
t0 -1.998 Coefficient raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Age at first maturity 6 Year min Male Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Age at first maturity 7 Year raw_value Female Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Amax-observed 11.3 Year max Female Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Age at first maturity 7.9 Year raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Age at first maturity 7.8 Year raw_value Female Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Age of largest immature 11 Year raw_value Male Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a


Location Unit Reference
Kwazulu-Natal coast South-Africa
individual dudley2006b Details
North Carolina to Brownsville (USA)
individual peterson2017 Details
Northwest Atlantic
individual carlson2012a Details

Group Trends

Location Unit Reference
West Atlantic
individual baum2003 Details
Queensland east coastline, Australia
individual Roff2018 Details
Queensland east coastline, Australia
individual Roff2018 Details

Contributors to the data of this species

  • lsaldana
  • egarcia
  • ajudah
  • Nathan Pacoureau