Carcharhinus limbatus

Superorder: Galeomorphii

Subclass: Elasmobranchii

Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Carcharhinidae

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External references for this species:

IUCN Red List
Species Regulated by International Treaties

CITES: Appendix II (2022)



Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Linf 210 cm raw_value Pooled Mexican Central Pacific mendizabal1995
k 0.235 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Mexican Central Pacific mendizabal1995
t0 -1.97 Year raw_value Pooled Mexican Central Pacific mendizabal1995
Linf 179.9 cm mean Female Veracruz-Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2009
Linf 187.8 cm mean Male Veracruz-Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2009
k 0.19 Coefficient mean Female Veracruz-Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2009
k 0.14 Coefficient mean Male Veracruz-Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2009
t0 -3.1 Year mean Female Veracruz-Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2009
t0 -4.5 Year mean Male Veracruz-Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2009
Linf 178 cm raw_value Female Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2014b
Linf 178 cm raw_value Male Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2014b
k 0.16 Coefficient raw_value Female Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2014b
k 0.21 Coefficient raw_value Male Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2014b
t0 -3.4 Year raw_value Female Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2014b
t0 -2.5 Year raw_value Male Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2014b
Linf 176 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
k 0.274 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
t0 -1.2 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
k 0.13 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 62.9 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 249.2 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
k 0.29 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 70.1 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 228.6 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
k 0.21 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
G 1.26 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 66.9 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 234.4 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
k 0.1 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 119.2 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 252.6 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
k 0.15 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 129.2 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 243.1 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
k 0.12 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
G 0.68 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 125.1 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 247.1 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
k 0.08 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 65.9 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 307.1 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
k 0.22 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 70.9 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 252.4 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
k 0.15 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
G 1.36 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 68.7 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 269.2 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
k 0.13 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 65.9 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 244 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
k 0.29 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 72.7 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 216.4 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
k 0.21 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
G 1.17 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 69.6 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 237.9 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
k 0.14 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 68.8 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 229.7 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
k 0.31 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 75 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 208.5 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
k 0.23 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
G 1.09 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 72.1 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 224.6 Coefficient raw_value Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
k 0.11 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 62.2 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 264 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
k 0.27 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 69.5 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 227 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
k 0.19 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
G 1.28 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
L0 66.2 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Linf 245.4 Coefficient raw_value Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
APE 0.4 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Lombok, Indonesia smart2015


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Lbirth 60 cm FL raw_value Pooled Mexican Central Pacific mendizabal1995
Length at first maturity 128 cm TL raw_value Female Mexican Central Pacific mendizabal1995
Length at first maturity 128 cm TL raw_value Male Mexican Central Pacific mendizabal1995
Length at first maturity 145 cm TL raw_value Female Gulf of Mexico tovaravila1995
Length at first maturity 125 cm TL raw_value Male Gulf of Mexico tovaravila1995
Lbirth 54.8 cm TL raw_value Pooled Gulf of Mexico tovaravila1995
Lmax-observed 178 cm TL raw_value Female Veracruz-Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2009
Lmax-observed 178 cm TL raw_value Male Veracruz-Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2009
Length at first maturity 134 cm TL raw_value Male Campeche uribemartinez1993
Length at first maturity 153 cm TL raw_value Female Campeche uribemartinez1993
Lmax-observed 167 cm TL raw_value Male Campeche uribemartinez1993
Lmax-observed 226 cm TL raw_value Female Campeche uribemartinez1993
Lbirth 56 cm TL raw_value Pooled Campeche uribemartinez1993
Lmax-observed 91 cm TL max Pooled Gulf of Papua White2019
Lmax-observed 245.8 cm TL max Female Indonesia white2007a
Lmax-observed 226.9 cm TL max Male Indonesia white2007a
Lmat50 189.4 cm TL raw_value Male Indonesia white2007a
Lmat95 195.4 cm TL raw_value Male Indonesia white2007a
Lmat50 179.6 cm TL raw_value Male Indonesia white2007a
Lmat95 224.2 cm TL raw_value Male Indonesia white2007a
Length at maternity 175.6 cm TL min Female Indonesia white2007a
Length at first maturity 165 cm TL min Female Indonesia white2007a
Lbirth 55 cm TL min Pooled Indonesia white2007a
Lmax-observed 181 cm TL max Female Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Length of largest immature 128 cm TL max Male Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Length of largest immature 145 cm TL max Female Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Lbirth 48.8 cm TL raw_value Pooled Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Lbirth 56 cm TL mean Pooled Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Length at first maturity 130 cm TL raw_value Male Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Length at first maturity 150 cm TL min Female Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Lmax-observed 226.9 cm TL max Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Lmax-observed 245.8 cm TL max Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Parturition May-June Month Female Mexican Central Pacific mendizabal1995
Uterine fecundity 2 n min Female Mexican Central Pacific mendizabal1995
Gestation length 11 Month raw_value Female Gulf of Mexico tovaravila1995
Uterine fecundity 4.8 n mean Female Gulf of Mexico tovaravila1995
Uterine fecundity 2 n min Female Indonesia white2007a
Parturition October Month min Female Indonesia white2007a
Parturition May Month min Female Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Natural mortality 0.6401 Coefficient raw_value Female Mexican Central Pacific mendizabal1995
Total mortality 0.924 Coefficient raw_value Female Mexican Central Pacific mendizabal1995
Fishing mortality 0.2839 Coefficient raw_value Female Mexican Central Pacific mendizabal1995
Natural mortality 0.4609 Coefficient raw_value Male Mexican Central Pacific mendizabal1995
Total mortality 1.131 Coefficient raw_value Male Mexican Central Pacific mendizabal1995
Fishing mortality 0.6701 Coefficient raw_value Male Mexican Central Pacific mendizabal1995
Natural mortality 0.5359 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Mexican Central Pacific mendizabal1995
Total mortality 0.4521 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Mexican Central Pacific mendizabal1995
Fishing mortality 0.988 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Mexican Central Pacific mendizabal1995


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
Age at first maturity 5 Year min Female Veracruz-Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2009
Age at first maturity 4 Year min Male Veracruz-Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2009
Amax-estimated 28 Year raw_value Female Veracruz-Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2009
Amax-estimated 23 Year raw_value Male Veracruz-Gulf of Mexico tovaravila2009
Age at first maturity 4.0 Year min Male Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Age at first maturity 7 Year min Female Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Age of largest immature 6.8 Year max Female Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Amax-observed 9.3 Year max Female Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Amax-observed 16.8 Year max Male Lombok, Indonesia smart2015
Amax-observed 17 Year max Female Lombok, Indonesia smart2015


Name Value Standard ValueType Sex Location Reference
a 1.8522 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Campeche uribemartinez1993
b 1.309 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Campeche uribemartinez1993
b 2.87 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
a 1.44e-05 Coefficient raw_value Pooled Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987


Location Unit Reference
Onslow Bay, Carolina, USA
individual grubbs2016 Details
Bimini islands, Bahamas
individual hansell2018 Details
South Virginia coast, USA
individual grubbs2016 Details
Kwazulu-Natal coast South-Africa
individual dudley2006b Details
North Carolina to Brownsville (USA)
individual peterson2017 Details
northwestern Australia
individual Braccini2020 Details
Pilbara and Kimberley, Northwest Australia
kg McAuley2012 Details
North Gulf of Mexico
individual sedar2012 Details
Western and Central Pacific
individual Tremblay-Boyer2016 Details
Western and Central Pacific
individual Tremblay-Boyer2016 Details
North Gulf of Mexico
individual SEDAR2018 Details
USA east coast
individual Latour2020 Details
USA east coast
individual SEDAR2020 Details

Group Trends

Location Unit Reference
West Atlantic
individual baum2003 Details
Australia Northern Territory
kg Grubert2013 Details
Queensland east coastline, Australia
individual Roff2018 Details
Queensland east coastline, Australia
individual Roff2018 Details

Contributors to the data of this species

  • lsaldana
  • egarcia
  • ajudah
  • Nathan Pacoureau