Source observation | other |
General data type | nCPUE |
Unit | individual per net |
Unit freeform | |
Unit transformation | |
Sampling Method general | bather_protection_net |
Year | Value |
1963 | 18.364221556248 |
1964 | 16.7151766797256 |
1965 | 15.2388171048312 |
1966 | 13.9484433682756 |
1967 | 12.8582256572468 |
1968 | 11.9229933028387 |
1969 | 11.0727820715585 |
1970 | 10.3926130865344 |
1971 | 9.74078447588638 |
1972 | 9.20231736274229 |
1973 | 8.74887137272622 |
1974 | 8.38044650583816 |
1975 | 7.92700051582209 |
1976 | 7.60108621049804 |
1977 | 7.28934209236199 |
1978 | 7.06261909735395 |
1979 | 6.82172591515792 |
1980 | 6.63751348171389 |
1981 | 6.43913086108186 |
1982 | 6.29742898920183 |
1983 | 6.15572711732181 |
1984 | 6.04236561981779 |
1985 | 5.90066374793777 |
1986 | 5.80147243762176 |
1987 | 5.70228112730574 |
1988 | 5.56057925542572 |
1989 | 5.4755581322977 |
1990 | 5.34802644760568 |
1991 | 5.23377824765428 |
1992 | 5.09251972699795 |
1993 | 4.93709101915362 |
1994 | 4.8520698960256 |
1995 | 4.71036802414558 |
1996 | 4.54032577788956 |
1997 | 4.39862390600953 |
1998 | 4.25692203412951 |
1999 | 4.11522016224949 |
2000 | 3.97351829036946 |
2001 | 3.83181641848944 |
2002 | 3.69011454660942 |
2003 | 3.5767530491054 |
2004 | 3.46339155160139 |
2005 | 3.36420024128537 |
2006 | 3.35003005409737 |
2007 | 3.29334930534536 |
2008 | 3.29334930534536 |
2009 | 3.29334930534536 |
2010 | 3.32168967972136 |
2011 | 3.35003005409737 |
2012 | 3.36420024128537 |
2013 | 3.35003005409737 |
2014 | 3.35003005409737 |
2015 | 3.29334930534536 |
2016 | 3.29334930534536 |
2017 | 3.22249836940535 |
Ocean | Pacific |
Name | Queensland east coastline, Australia |
Latitude | -22.0 |
Longitude | 150.5 |
PPOW | |
MEOW | East Central Australian Shelf; Northeast Australian Shelf |
FAO | Pacific, Western Central; Pacific, Southwest |
ID | 25614 |
Author | |
AuthorYear | Roff2018 |
Title | |
Journal | |
Volume | |
Part/Supplement | |
Issue | |
Pages | |
Start Page | |
Errata | |
Epub Date | |
SourceYear | 2018 |
DataSource | Trends |
doi | |
Reference | 10.1038/s42003-018-0233-1 |
data entered | false |
Identifier | 3642 |
Comments | Publication says data start in 1962, but no predictions exists for 1962. Time-series represents group: Carcharhinus tilstoni,C. acronotus,C. leucas,C. limbatus,C. fitzroyensis,C. obscurus,C. macloti,C. amboinensis,C. plumbeus,C. falciformis,C. brevipinna,C. sorrah,Rhizoprionodon taylori,R. acutus,Negaprion acutidens. But C. falciformis, R. taylori and R. acutus are rarely caught. |
Experts for representativeness | NA |
Figure Name | |
Page and Figure Number | p4f2 |
Line Used | Whaler sharks; CPUE net–1 year–1 |
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