Gestation length

The length of gestation in months for live-bearing species.


Species Name Value Standard ValueType Location Reference
Carcharhinus acronotus Gestation length 11 Month mean South Carolina driggers2004a
Carcharhinus acronotus Gestation length 10 Month Gulf of Mexico trinidadcruz1997
Carcharhinus brevipinna Gestation length 13 Month min Senegal and 4 individuals from Algeria capape2003d
Carcharhinus brevipinna Gestation length 10 Month min Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Carcharhinus falciformis Gestation length 12 Month raw_value Gulf of Mexico bonfil1993
Carcharhinus galapagensis Gestation length 12 Month raw_value Hawaii wetherbee1996b
Carcharhinus limbatus Gestation length 11 Month raw_value Gulf of Mexico tovaravila1995
Carcharhinus plumbeus Gestation length 10 Month min Northeastern Taiwan branstetter1987c
Carcharhinus sorrah Gestation length 9 Month min Princess Charlotte Bay - Moreton Bay, GBR, Queensland harry2013
Carcharhinus tilstoni Gestation length 9 Month raw_value Princess Charlotte Bay - Moreton Bay, GBR, Queensland harry2013
Eusphyra blochii Gestation length 10 Month min Timor Sea stevens1989d
Galeocerdo cuvier Gestation length 15 Month min Main Hawaiian Islands whitney2007
Gymnura marmorata Gestation length 9 Month min Baja California peninsula burgosvazquez2013
Gymnura micrura Gestation length 11 Month Campeche cusalazar2014
Hemigaleus australiensis Gestation length 6 Month mean Timor Sea stevens1991a
Hemipristis elongata Gestation length 7 Month min Timor Sea stevens1991a
Mustelus henlei Gestation length 10 Month raw_value Baja California peninsula silvasantos2012
Mustelus henlei Gestation length 11 Month raw_value Baja California peninsula sotolopez2018
Nasolamia velox Gestation length 10 Month Gulf of Tehuantepec dominguezarellano2003
Paragaleus pectoralis Gestation length 12 Month mean Senegal Coast capape2005a
Prionace glauca Gestation length 9 Month min Baja California peninsula carrerafernandez2010
Pristis pristis Gestation length 5 Month raw_value Lake Nicaragua-Rio San Juan System kyne2021
Pseudobatos leucorhynchus Gestation length 11 Month raw_value Bahia Almejas-Baja California peninsula florespineda2008
Pseudobatos productus Gestation length 3 Month raw_value Baja California peninsula downtonhoffmann2007
Pseudobatos productus Gestation length 12 Month Gulf of California marquezfarias2007
Rhinoptera bonasus Gestation length 12 Month raw_value Campeche perezjimenez2011
Rhizoprionodon lalandii Gestation length 11 Month mean south-eastern Brazil andrade2008
Rhizoprionodon longurio Gestation length 10 Month Gulf of California marquezfarias2005a
Rhizoprionodon longurio Gestation length 11 Month raw_value Mexican Pacific/Gulf of California mejiasalazar2007
Sphyrna lewini Gestation length 10 Month Mexican Central Pacific anisladotolentino2000
Sphyrna lewini Gestation length 10 Month raw_value Oaxaca -Mexico bejaranoalvarez2011
Sphyrna lewini Gestation length 11 Month Gulf of California torreshuerta2008
Sphyrna mokarran Gestation length 11 Month Timor Sea stevens1989d
Sphyrna tudes Gestation length 11 Month max Trinidad castro1989
Triaenodon obesus Gestation length 12.723 Month mean Steinhart Aquarium, CA schaller2006
Triaenodon obesus Gestation length 6 Month min Indonesia white2007a
Urotrygon chilensis Gestation length 4 Month raw_value Sinaloa-Gulf of California rubiolozano2009
Zapteryx exasperata Gestation length 5 Month Gulf of California blancoparra2009b