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gifford2007 GIFFORD, A. & COMPAGNO, L.J.V. & LEVINE, M. (2007) Aerial surveys of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) off the East Coast of Southern Africa. In: T.R. Irvine and J.K. Keesing (Eds.) Proceedings of the First International Whale Shark Conference, 9
gifford2007a GIFFORD, A. & COMPAGNO, L.J.V. & LEVINE, M. & ANTONIOU, A. (2007) Satellite tracking of whale sharks using tethered tags. Fisheries Research, 84 (1): 17
giglio2015 GIGLIO, V.J. & LUIZ, O.J. & GERHARDINGER, L.C. (2015) Depletion of marine megafauna and shifting baselines among artisanal fishers in eastern Brazi Animal Conservation, 18 (4): 348
giglio2016 GIGLIO, V.J. & BORNATOWSKI, H. (2016) Fishers' ecological knowledge of smalleye hammerhead, Sphyrna tudes, in a tropical estuary. Neotropical Ichthyology, 14 (2): e150103
gilbert1977 GILBERT, P.W. (1977) Commentary on Papers Presented at the New Orleans Shark Symposium and Some Reflections on Current Shark Research. American Zoologist, 17 (2): 509
giglio2016a GIGLIO, V.J. & LUIZ, O.J. & REIS, M.S. & GERHARDINGER, L.C. (2016) Memories of sawfish fisheries in a southwestern Atlantic estuary. SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin, 36: 28
giglio2018 GIGLIO, G. & MARZULLO, A. & CALIMERI, F. & CAUTERUCCIO, F. & IANNI, G. & MICARELLI, P. & ROMANO, C. & SPERONE, E. & TRIPEPI, S. & TERRACINA, G. (2018) Individual identification of sharks through dorsal fin: a new approach thanks to advances in computer science. Poster Abstract. Sharks International, João Pessoa, Brazil 2018
giglio2018a GIGLIO, V.J. & TERNES, M.L.F. & LUIZ, O.J. & ZAPELINI, C. & FREITAS, M.O. (2018) Human consumption and popular knowledge on the conservation status of groupers and sharks caught by small-scale fisheries on Abrolhos Bank, SW Atlantic. Marine Policy, 89: 142-146
gil2009 GIL, J. & CANOURA, J. & VILA, Y. & SOBRINO, I. & BARO, J. (2009) Distribution and relative abundance of Chimaera monstrosa (Chimaeridae, Chimaeriformes) in the spanish Gulf of Cadiz waters. Abstract. In: Progrtamm and Abstracts, 13th EEA Conference 2009, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (ed.Morey, G. & Yuste, L. and Pons, G.X.): 77
gil2009a GIL, J. & CANOURA, J. & VILA, Y. & SOBRINO, I. & BARO, J. (2009) Information about main batoids species catched from arsa bottom trawl surveys in the spanish Gulf of Cadiz waters. Abstract. In: Progrtamm and Abstracts, 13th EEA Conference 2009, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (ed.Morey, G. & Yuste, L. and Pons, G.X.): 78
gilat1984 GILAT, E. & GELMAN, A. (1984) On the sharks and fishes observed using underwater photography during a deep-water cruise in the eastern Mediterranean. Fisheries Research, 2 (4): 257
gilbert1892 GILBERT, C.H. (1892) Descriptions of thirty-four new species of fishes collected in 1888 and 1889, principally among the Santa Barbara Islands and in the Gulf of California. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 14: 539
gilbert1895 GILBERT, C.R. (1895) The ichthyological collections of the steamer Albatross during the years 1890 and 1891. Report of the United States Fish Commission, 1893 (Part 17): 393
gilbert1904 GILBERT, C.H. & STARKS, E.C. (1904) The fishes of Panama Bay. Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences, 4: 304 p.
gilbert1905 GILBERT, C.H. (1905) The aquatic resources of the Hawaiian Islands. Part II. The deep-sea fishes. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, 23 (2): 575
gilbert1905a GILBERT, C.H. & THOMPSON, J.C. (1905) Notes on the fishes of Puget Sound. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 28: 973
gilbert1915 GILBERT, C.H. (1915) Fishes collected by the United States Fisheries steamer "Albatross" in southern California in 1904. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 48 (2075): 305
gilbert1941 GILBERT, P.W. (1941) Notes on four male specimens of the frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus). Copeia, 1941 (1): 45
gilbert1957 GILBERT, P.W. & WOOD, F.G. (1957) Method of anesthetizing large sharks and rays safely and rapidly. Science, 126 (3266): 212
gilbert1960 GILBERT, P.W. & SCHULTZ, L.P. & SPRINGER, S. (1960) Shark Attacks During 1959. Science, 132 (3423): 323