Age of largest immature

Age largest immature individual. Typically based on gonadal observation (production of gametes) or clasper calcification.


Species Name Value Standard ValueType Location Reference
Carcharhinus limbatus Age of largest immature 6.8 Year max Northwestern Gulf of Mexico branstetter1987
Sphyrna lewini Age of largest immature 16 Year max Indonesia drew2015
Sphyrna lewini Age of largest immature 8 Year max Indonesia drew2015
Carcharhinus brachyurus Age of largest immature 17 Year raw_value GAB, Gulf St. Vincent & Spencer Gulf, South Australia drew2017
Carcharhinus brachyurus Age of largest immature 20 Year raw_value GAB, Gulf St. Vincent & Spencer Gulf, South Australia drew2017
Sphyrna mokarran Age of largest immature 9.8 Year max East Australian coast harry2011a
Sphyrna mokarran Age of largest immature 7.6 Year max East Australian coast harry2011a
Carcharhinus brevipinna Age of largest immature 11 Year raw_value Northeastern Taiwan joung2005a
Carcharhinus falciformis Age of largest immature 11.3 Year max Northeastern Taiwan (Nanafanao fish market) Joung2008